Ramblings of a madman
By Joel DeMott profile image Joel DeMott
1 min read

Ramblings of a madman

For decades, I've avoided social media like the plague. For me, the constant chase for likes, shares, and comments feels ultra-superficial - constantly looking for external validation. Distorting self-worth. Creating unnecessary anxiety. It's all bullshit. All of it.

Yeah, I'm sure I've missed out on countless opportunities to connect with old friends and new... but by steering clear of these platforms, not only have I gained time in my life to do other things, but I feel I've preserved some of my mental well-being, instead focusing on genuine connections and personal growth without the artificial metrics of social media dictating my self-esteem. Fuck them all.

"Digital sharecropping" was a term I stumbled across a very long time ago. Essentially, it means users are creating the content that enriches platform owners rather than themselves. Ever heard the stories of plantation farmers reaping the profits of cotton harvested by slaves? Yeah. Y'all are doing the same shit.

Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and all the rest feed off this content like leeches. They determine what you see, what you hear, what they want you to believe, what ads they show you. It feels predatory. Exploitative. But people don't really care anymore. Anything for a fucking like.

I realized that in avoiding social media, I've missed out on contributing and sharing my knowledge, experiences and thoughts online. There are things I'd like to write about. Places I've been that I'd like to share. Funny shit. Important shit. This is the reason I've decided to start posting on this site... my own site - where I can share my experiences and insights on my own terms, free from the constraints and pressures of traditional social media platforms.

If you've found your way here stranger, thanks for reading. I promise I'll try to not get too far off into the weeds... rabbit holes however, seem to be my thing.

By Joel DeMott profile image Joel DeMott
Updated on
Journal Ramblings